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Two-Piece Buckle Series with Hooks
We manufacture buckles, wire-formed buckles, heavy duty stamping buckles, clips, clasps for apparel, handbags, footwear,special applications for industrial and military.
Two-piece buckle series A-2 with hooks.

Two-piece buckle series A-2

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Order Hot Line Call: 1- (800) 921-5523

Buckles, belt buckles, casted belt buckles, heavy duty buckle, die casted belt buckles, die, casted, casting, die-casted, die casting,heavy duty buckles,belt buckles, buckles, heavy duty, stamping,belt, buckle, strap, belt buckle, fashion accessories, buttons, button, manufacturer, designer,  men's buckles, women's buckles,  fashion buckles, novelties, notions, apparel industry,  footwear, shoes, luggages, handbags, suitcases, covered buckle, interlocking buckle, concealed hook buckle, hook and eye buckle, spring-and-hook type buckle, ratch buckle, overall buckle, garmentsContact UMX: info@umx.info

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