Wholesale Handbags Making Hardware Supply
Main Menu Beaded Handle HH-P4xx-420 to 431
We make wholesale handbags hardware for fashion handbag designers to make custom handbags. Those stylish beaded handles are fashioned from mixed metal beads and Bali bone beads with beautiful carved arts.< click to enlarge >
HOME, Magnetic Snaps, Purse Feet, Handbag Hooks, Purse & Handbag Chains, Beads, Corners, Hinge, Cigar Box Purse, PRICING
Catalogue1, HH-P4xx-1~22, HH-P4xx-23~46, HH-P4xx-47~92, HH-P4xx-94~143, HH-P4xx-180~216, HH-P4xx-230~277, HH-P4xx-284~291,
Pumpkin-Beads-Series, Love-Heart-Series, Wooden-Beads-Series, Bare-Beaded-Handle-Frames

make cigar purse handbag, make cigar box handbag, make box purse handbag, purse - Beades Handles

HH-P4xx-420 HH-P4xx-421 HH-P4xx-422 HH-P4xx-423
HH-Pxx-420 Beaded Handle With Metal Spacer Beads and Round Bone Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-421 Beaded Handle With Round Pottery Beads and Donut Metal Spacer Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-422 Beaded Handle with Sphere Pattern Beads and Metal Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-423 Beaded Handle with Bicone Behive Beads and Round Spacer Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies
HH-P4xx-424 HH-P4xx-425 HH-P4xx-426 HH-P4xx-427
HH-Pxx-424 Beaded Handles with Cylindrical Flower Drums Beads and Round Metal Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-425 Beaded Handle with Flat Daisy Flower Beads and Thin Metal Spacer Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-426 Beaded Handle with Carved Lantern Beads and Gold Spacer Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-427 Beaded Handle with Clam Sea Shell Beads and Metal Gold Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies
HH-P4xx-428 HH-P4xx-429 HH-P4xx-430 HH-P4xx-431
HH-Pxx-428 Beaded Handle with Saucer Bali Beads and Round Metal Spacer Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-429 Beaded Handle with Double Flower Disk Beads and Gold Spacer Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-430 Beaded Handle with Walnut Basket Beads and Metal Gold Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies HH-Pxx-431 Beaded Handle with Flower Barrel Tube Beads and Gold Color Beads For Wholesale Handbag Making Supplies
Catalogue: Bali Beads: Bone Bead Beaded Handbag Handle HH-P4xx-420~431      
HH-P4xx-420~431: Catalogue Beaded Handbag Handle and Beaded Handbags Making Hardware Supplies      

Catalogue - Fashion Handbag Hardware - Antique or Bone Style Beads and Beaded Purse Handles - HH-Pxx-284-291

Ordering Guide: Beaded Handles

Ordering Guide: Beaded Handle Frames

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